AGFC Lake Poinsett Reservoir | Poinsett County, AR
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Construction Engineering/
Pickering was selected by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) to provide Phase I and Phase II services at Lake Poinsett Reservoir located adjacent to Lake Poinsett State Park in Poinsett County, Arkansas. Phase I services included the preparation of plans and specifications for the stabilization of the existing shoreline, construction of a new drawdown structure and improvements to the emergency spillway to meet current regulations.
Professional services include:
Phase I
Topographic surveys
Hydraulic analysis & design of a new drawdown structure
Structural design of a new drawdown structure
Hydraulic analysis for the existing emergency spillway & earthen dam for compliance with regulations
Bank stabilization plans for approximately 13,000 LF of eroded shoreline (3 armoring options used for stabilization)
Project cost estimating & scheduling
Project permitting
Geotechnical investigation
Phase II
Advertising, bidding & contracting
Construction engineering/administration
Project close out

Key Team Members
Mike Foster, PE, CPESC
Principal in Charge