Tell us about yourself!
I grew up in Conway, AR, went to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and got my degree in Biological Engineering. I met my now wife at the University and we got married May of 2020. We have two dogs, a foster baby and our own baby on the way due early May.
What made you choose engineering?
I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do coming out of college; an opportunity to work for a firm doing land development landed in my lap thankfully and I have loved it since.
Advice to current students?
Work really hard to figure out how to balance your life. Being able to work hard when you need to and be scheduled, but also being able to enjoy a break or relax.
What makes Pickering special?
Working in the smaller Little Rock office is very unique in itself; we are all pretty close and it’s a beautiful spot in town. The company as a whole though seems very genuine to me. Everyone here is very serious about putting out great work, but also very serious about taking care of us as people.
What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
My wife and I love being active – going to the dog park or hiking or exercising together. We also love finding new brunch spots or happy hours to enjoy. I enjoy being outside in general: doing yard work or sitting in the backyard by the fire.
If you could learn something new, what would it be?
As far as a skill, I’d love to learn how to throw clay really well or woodworking. As far as information, I can’t get enough history of the world.
Window or aisle seat of a plane?
Either is fine with me; I just like an end seat anywhere I am.
Would you rather go 200 years in the future or past for a day?
Past for sure. There would be so much I’d want to see and learn about; a day may not be enough.
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
I’m not sure. I read a lot of dystopian books where the characters have some pretty wild lives.
Where’s your favorite place in the world?
So far Iceland. My wife and I went there a few years ago and it is unbelievable. It’s like visiting another planet and I hope to go back someday.
Describe yourself in 5 words.
Driven. Introspective. Curious. Friendly. Busy.