Pickering is an employee-owned firm.
Every member of our firm has a stake in the company’s performance, which promotes motivation, loyalty and low turnover. Pickering has identified future company leaders through an Associate Principal Ownership Program. This program recognizes employees who exhibit exceptional talents, dedication and work ethic, and secures Pickering’s future growth. Pride of ownership grants Pickering the ability to provide superior client service with the most professional skills available.
Principal Owners
Mike Bilderbeck, PE, FASHRAE
Blake Collins, PS
Curt Craig
Rick Ferguson, PE
Mike Foster, PE
James Hale

John Hamilton, PE
Jonathan Johnson, PE
Cara Martin, PE
Tom McConnell, AIA, LEED AP
Patrick Neal, PE
Bob Pitts, PE
Mike Pohlman, PE
Yousef Saleh, PE

Camille Salters, RPG
Dan Townsend, PE
Nat Whitten
Associate Principal Owners

Greg Brown, PE

Marvin Brown, PE

J. Raul Cardenas

Greg Carrico, PE

Marty Cooke

Jon Foshee, PE

Kevin Getman, AIA

Jeff Green, PE

Harvey Matheny, PE

Jon McLeod, PE

Tom Moisan, RA

Willie Nester, PE

Zach Parchman, PE

Neal Taegtmeyer, PE

Hunter Truette, PE

Matt Warkentin, PE, PTOE