City of Biloxi Fishing Pier | Biloxi, MS
Project Management
FEMA Coordination
Field Survey
Bridge Design
Lighting Plans
Construction Engineering
Significant bridge experience and the right credentials afforded Pickering’s transportation team selection to design replacements for a severely damaged pier.
On Tuesday, April 30, 2013, the Point Cadet fishing pier and bridge was formally opened to the public with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The project, located at the easternmost end of Howard Avenue on Point Cadet, includes a 4,700-foot-long concrete pier. The pier replaced a very popular fishing place in Biloxi, Mississippi, destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
The project included professional services in connection with the coordination for removal and disposal of all debris associated with the existing fishing pier and subsequent design and construction of the new fishing pier located at Old U.S. 90.
Though the Old U.S. 90 pier was not used for vehicular traffic, it was vehicle accessible, providing ease of access for handicapped persons and families with small children. The new pier is capable of supporting light vehicles used for handicap and emergency accommodations and accommodates two lanes of traffic with handicap (ADA) accessible sidewalks on both sides and vehicle turnarounds at the halfway point and at the end of the bridge. The aesthetic lighting features illuminate the pier and adjoining waters, improving nighttime fishing.
Key Team Members
Rick Ferguson, PE
Project Manager
Blake Collins, PS
Survey Manager