Howard Avenue Improvements | Biloxi, MS
Conceptual Planning
Geotechnical Investigation
CCTV Coordination
Civil Engineering
Project Bidding
Construction Engineering
Construction Inspection
Pickering was selected to provide engineering design and construction phase services for the improvements to Howard Avenue between Nixon Street and Reynoir Street. The improvements entailed widening Howard Avenue to accommodate two-way vehicular traffic, parking and new sidewalks. Also included are cold-milling and overlaying of the existing pavement between Lameuse Street and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, as well as the reconfiguration of the intersection at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Howard Avenue to accommodate westward traffic.
As one of the oldest streets in the heart of downtown Biloxi, emphasis was placed on matching pre-Urban Renewal layout (circa 1970) for an authentic, historic feel. Design for the section of roadway between Reynoir and Main Street included the use of clay pavers to match the original roadway construction.
The project scope included:
1,900 LF of pipe removal
2,510 SY of pavement removal
3,470 SY of brick paver & sidewalk removal
760 SY of asphalt milling
1,880 SY of paving
1,125 LF of drainage pipe
35 drainage structures
2,070 SY of concrete sidewalk
925-SY concrete driveway
27,875 SF of clay paver street
100 SF of concrete permeable paver sidewalk
3,130 LF of combination curb & gutter
52 EA light pole relocations
1,280 LF of water main and associated fire/valves/water meters