Pump Station 16 Rehab & Improvements | Jackson County, MS
Pump Station Evaluation & Rehabilitation
Pickering was selected to provide engineering services for the evaluation, design and construction of improvements to Pump Station 16 wastewater pump station in the Jackson County Utility Authority (JCUA), Moss Point, Mississippi Wastewater system. This system transports wastewater generated by the City of Moss Point to the Pascagoula Wastewater Facilities owned by JCUA.
Improvements to the pump stations included the following:
Install & test rehabilitated submersible pumps supplied by JCUA
Replace instrumentation & controls
Replace valves & discharge piping
Clean & coat wet wells
Replace hatches with safety rated hatches
Clean & coat influent manholes
New fencing & site improvements
Key Team Members
Dan Townsend, PE
Principal in Charge
Greg Brown, PE
Project Manager