Link Apartments Broad Avenue | Memphis, TN
ALTA/NPS Land Title Surveys
Boundary Surveys
Topographical Surveys/Mapping
Traffic Studies
Code Reviews
Master/Site Planning
Grading & Stormwater Management
Sanitary Sewer
Utilities Engineering & Analysis
Parking & Circulation Design
Construction Phase Services
This project consists of survey and civil engineering services for a 350-unit apartment complex split between two 4-story buildings with an urban frontage on Broad Avenue in the Binghampton community. These apartments on this 8.8-acre property are designed to be primarily marketed to young professionals and bike users.
The existing water tower, which is a landmark of the surrounding arts district, will be preserved while the warehouse that is built around it is demolished to make way for the construction of the apartments. Outside of standard site civil tasks, Pickering also designed streetscape improvements along Broad Avenue and Bingham Street.

Key Team Members
Bob Pitts, PE
Principal in Charge
Marvin Brown, PE
Civil Engineer