IGCC Plant Pipeline, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment | Meridian, MS
Phase II ESA
Health & Safety Plan
Pickering provided an evaluation of the potential impact of contaminants associated with historical use of the former Firestone Service Center within the easement of the treated effluent (TE) line along 22nd Avenue. During preparation for tunneling activities a bore pit was excavated, where petroleum hydrocarbons and free product were detected. The investigation was on a fast track due to regulatory and funding requirements for the construction of the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Plant TE pipeline. Throughout the design, inquiry and construction phases, Pickering worked closely with various client teams from Mississippi Power Company and Southern Company Services, as well as regulatory agencies and local government.
For this project, Pickering:
Developed a Health & Safety Plan (HASP) in response to a directive from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) as a prerequisite for the subsurface investigation; met emergency schedule & submitted within 48 hours
Completed a utility clearance prior to drilling activities
Coordinated with land owners for permission to access the property
Completed air monitoring activities prior to & during drilling activities to document ambient air readings
Installed 17 boring locations to depths of up to 30 feet
Performed field screening of soil samples for hydrocarbon vapors to determine which samples were to be submitted to the laboratory for analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, & xylenes (BTEX); methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE); & polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
Collected soils samples from sidewalls & base of the bore pit excavation
Coordinated closely with the City of Meridian, MDEQ, the Emergency Response Contractor, & Mississippi Power to ensure the safety of workers & public due to high hydrocarbon vapors
Compiled a report of findings with recommendations to address the petroleum hydrocarbon impact

Key Team Members
Curt Craig
Principal in Charge
Camille Salters, RPG
Project Manager