East Reservoir Area Sewer System | Rankin County, MS
Wastewater System Design
Construction Engineering & Inspection
The East Reservoir Area Sewer System in Rankin County, Mississippi provides the necessary infrastructure to allow two existing wastewater lagoons to be taken out of service, while also providing infrastructure to support future growth in an area that does not currently have public wastewater service. The removal of wastewater lagoons discharging into the Ross Barnett Reservoir will improve water quality in the reservoir, thereby improving the source of potable water for the city of Jackson.
Designed to extend wastewater service to the eastern side of the Ross Barnett Reservoir, the East Reservoir Area Sewer System consists of approximately 100,000 linear feet of 10-inch through 18-inch diameter force main, two new pump stations with capacities of 350 gpm and 2,000 gpm, and the upgrade of an existing pump station. A third pump station was included in the design, but has not been constructed.
Key Team Members
Nat Whitten
Principal in Charge
Dan Townsend, PE
Senior Engineer
Blake Collins, PS
Survey Manager