University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Lab | Memphis, TN
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Pickering was selected to provide mechanical and electrical design for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), renovating 9,000 SF into a facility that produces drugs for clinical trials. The renovated space is to include three prefabricated clean rooms (PODs) by G-Con, four labs, office and other support spaces.
Waterside systems include two air-cooled chillers with buffer tank, two condensing hot water boilers, primary-secondary chilled water and hot water pumps with standby. Air side systems include a 100% outside air (OSA) make-up air unit to supply air to the PODs, an office air handler, one 100% OSA air handler for the Labs and one air handler supplying HEPA filtered air to a clean corridor outside the PODs. A heat recovery coil loop recovers sensible heat from laboratory exhaust, and preheats or precools the air handler supplying 100% outside air to the laboratories. The building automation system was installed by Johnson Controls, Inc.
Key Team Members
Mike Bilderbeck, PE, FASHRAE
Chief Mechanical Engineer
Ron Fuller, PE
Chief Electrical Engineer