McIngvale Road Realignment | Hernando, MS
Categorical Exclusion
Field Survey
Traffic Engineering
Roadway Design
Traffic Signal Plans
Pickering provided design services for the realignment of McIngvale Road from Byhalia Road to Green T Road south of the
Interstate 269 underpass inside the City of Hernando. This new route is approximately 1.4 miles in length and will be a five-lane boulevard section with curb and gutter. This roadway also has a sidewalk and multi-use path for bicyclists and pedestrians.
The plans and specifications were developed in accordance with the latest edition of the Project Development Manual for Local Public Agencies and completed on a very tight schedule.
Professional services include:
Topographical & boundary surveys
Proposed ROW & easement documentation
NEPA documentation
Traffic analysis & design
Horizontal & vertical geometry design
Roadway drainage design
Signal modification design
Traffic control phasing
Signing & pavement marking design
Erosion prevention & sediment control plans/stormwater pollution prevention
Preparation of bid documents
Construction Engineering & Inspection (CE&I)
Key Team Members
Rick Ferguson, PE
Project Manager
Mike Foster, PE, CPESC
Transportation Engineer